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Mobility design for accessibility: A review from a spatial and social sciences perspective

Lanzendorf, Martin ; Blitz, Andreas
eds.: Knöll, Martin ; Halblaub Miranda, Marianne ; Vasquez Fauggier, Gladys (2018)
Mobility design for accessibility: A review from a spatial and social sciences perspective.
Accessible Hubs – International workshop on Universal Design in urban mobility systems. Technische Universität Darmstadt (8. + 9. November 2018)
Conference or Workshop Item, Primary publication

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Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item
Type of entry: Primary publication
Title: Mobility design for accessibility: A review from a spatial and social sciences perspective
Language: English
Date: 3 December 2018
Event Title: Accessible Hubs – International workshop on Universal Design in urban mobility systems
Event Location: Technische Universität Darmstadt
Event Dates: 8. + 9. November 2018
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This presentation is focused on mobility design from a spatial and social sciences perspective, questioning its concept and components, with regard to accessibility of sustainable modes of transport. Based on a review of design aspects in travel behaviour studies, we discuss existing definitions, major achievements and possible future research areas.

Speakers’ bio

Prof. Dr. Martin Lanzendorf holds the Chair of Mobility Research at Goethe-University Frankfurt and has been teaching and researching at the Goethe-University since 2008. His current research projects consider different facets of mobility in metropolitan areas. In particular changes of travel behaviour, spatial aspects of traffic emergence and travel demand management to ensure a more sustainable mobility. He received his PhD in 2000 from the University of Trier and from the Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy at Wuppertal (Germany). Then he proceeded to 3 years of research at the Urban Research Centre of Utrecht University (The Netherlands). Until 2008 Lanzendorf held a Junior Professorship at the Helmholtz- Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ Leipzig) and at the Institute of Geography of Leipzig University (Germany) whilst also filling a position as a Substitution Professor for Applied Anthropogeography at Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich (Germany).

Andreas Blitz is a researcher within the mobility research working group at the Institute for Human Geography at Goethe-University Frankfurt since 2018. His research fields include the promotion of sustainable mobility and the relation between mobility systems and human perceptions. In the context of the LOEWE research project ‘Infrastructure – Design – Society’ he focuses on the effects of mobility design aspects by taking the user’s perspective into account. He received his master degree in urban geography at Goethe-University in 2017. During his bachelor and master studies, he focused on mobility research, urban planning, and geographical information systems.

URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-82515
Additional Information:

The host research group

The Urban Health Games research group (UHG) of the Department of Architecture hosted the 1st International workshop on Universal Design in urban mobility systems. UHGs’ research and teaching activities focus on people-centred urban design in building new collaborations between urban designers, health and mobility experts to address global challenges such as inclusion, active lifestyles and Access for All.


The organizing team

Martin Knöll, Marianne Halblaub Miranda, Gladys Vasquez Fauggier, Sabine Hopp

With support from

Peter Eckart, Kai Vöckler, Yves Grossmann, Greta Hohmann and Annalena Kluge.

The Accessible Hubs workshop is kindly supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and by project–mo.de, a multidisciplinary research cluster led by HfG Offenbach, investigating sustainable mobility systems in the Frankfurt Rhein-Main urban agglomeration (LOEWE SP IDG).

Classification DDC: 700 Arts and recreation > 710 Landscaping and area planning
700 Arts and recreation > 720 Architecture
Divisions: 15 Department of Architecture > Fachgruppe E: Stadtplanung > Urban Health Games
Date Deposited: 03 Dec 2018 10:51
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2018 10:51
URI: https://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/id/eprint/8251
PPN: 439676525
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