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Long-term integrity protection of genomic data

Buchmann, Johannes ; Geihs, Matthias ; Hamacher, Kay ; Katzenbeisser, Stefan ; Stammler, Sebastian (2020)
Long-term integrity protection of genomic data.
In: EURASIP Journal on Information Security, 2019, 2019 (1)
doi: 10.25534/tuprints-00011399
Article, Secondary publication, Publisher's Version

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Item Type: Article
Type of entry: Secondary publication
Title: Long-term integrity protection of genomic data
Language: English
Date: 24 January 2020
Place of Publication: Darmstadt
Year of primary publication: 2019
Publisher: Springer Open
Journal or Publication Title: EURASIP Journal on Information Security
Volume of the journal: 2019
Issue Number: 1
DOI: 10.25534/tuprints-00011399
Corresponding Links:
Origin: Secondary publication via sponsored Golden Open Access

Genomic data is crucial in the understanding of many diseases and for the guidance of medical treatments. Pharmacogenomics and cancer genomics are just two areas in precision medicine of rapidly growing utilization. At the same time, whole-genome sequencing costs are plummeting below $ 1000, meaning that a rapid growth in full-genome data storage requirements is foreseeable. While privacy protection of genomic data is receiving growing attention, integrity protection of this long-lived and highly sensitive data much less so. We consider a scenario inspired by future pharmacogenomics, in which a patient’s genome data is stored over a long time period while random parts of it are periodically accessed by authorized parties such as doctors and clinicians. A protection scheme is described that preserves integrity of the genomic data in that scenario over a time horizon of 100 years. During such a long time period, cryptographic schemes will potentially break and therefore our scheme allows to update the integrity protection. Furthermore, integrity of parts of the genomic data can be verified without compromising the privacy of the remaining data. Finally, a performance evaluation and cost projection shows that privacy-preserving long-term integrity protection of genomic data is resource demanding, but in reach of current and future hardware technology and has negligible costs of storage.

Status: Publisher's Version
URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-113999
Classification DDC: 000 Generalities, computers, information > 004 Computer science
Divisions: 20 Department of Computer Science > Angewandte Kryptographie
Date Deposited: 24 Jan 2020 13:36
Last Modified: 08 Aug 2024 05:34
URI: https://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/id/eprint/11399
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