The efficient modelling and investigation of sound radiation enables a suitable development and manufacturing of prototypes for air-coupled ultrasonic applications. The simulations have to reflect the physical laws as realistic as possible and have an effect on saving the resources of computing performance. The main challenge of modelling radiation phenomena is to simulate the field of large volumina with a relatively short wavelength. The methods, which discretizes the entire volume, require a huge amount of nodes and today's available computers are not able to solve these problems for large ultrasonic fields. Other methods use closed surfaces around the volume at which the Rayleigh integral is commonly used. However, this integral is an idealized special case, which represents the physical properties only for a small opening angle of the simulated acoustic field of the ultrasonic transducers. Since these methods are limited, a model is developed, which is able to simulate the acoustic field for a wide opening angle and which is less computationally intensive. This model is based on the boundary element method (BEM) in which the sound field is calculated over the closed surface of a volume. A significant reduction of computational time, achieved via the application of parallel program techniques, and, thus, providing a large number of possible virtual experiments for the characterization of the sound propagation.
The models created are based on the linear equations of acoustics, from which the wave equation is derived. By using the Fourier transform, the time harmonic quantities are transferred to the frequency domain, and, thus, the wave equation goes over to the Helmholtz equation. This differential equation is transformed to the Kirchhoff Helmholtz Integral (KHI) by using the second theorem of Green and is applied to solve the acoustic field. By considering the sound propagation in a half space by introducing an infinite extended rigid baffle, the integral is simplified, and, thus, the computational effort is reduced. The Rayleigh Integral derived is suitable for determining two analytical solutions that allow verification of the simulation results.
At the beginning, the simulation is done by commercially, available free software tools, which are based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the Rayleigh Integral with the spatial impulse response. Due to the limitations of the models, the sound radiation cannot sufficiently represent the physical laws in the entire volume, the arbitrary geometric shape of the transducer or the array. The Rayleigh Integral is suitable for sound field simulation of a small opening angles, so that the modelling starts with that method. By using parallel programming, large sound fields consisting of a huge number of field points can be calculated within a short amount of time. Based on this model implementation, a model is created on the basis of the KHI. This model takes into account the given geometric extent of the ultrasonic transducer and the surrounding rigid baffle. The state-of-the-art models are able to simulate the sound propagation in a field point, but the validation is done by a microphone, which has a finite size. This is taken into account in the model by averaging over the surface and thereby it can be located and oriented arbitrary to the ultrasonic transducer. The model is applied to a two dimensional phased array, with which the control of the amplitude and phase of each ultrasonic transducer element is possible. The orientation of sound propagation is done by using the phase control of the ultrasonic transducers. The analytical solution shows good agreement between the developed model based on the Rayleigh Integral. The required accuracy of ±1% is achieved. By using parallel programming techniques, especially the GPU, the computing time can be reduced by up to a factor of 500. This opens new simulation capabilities of large volumes or high resolution acoustic fields. The developed model is therefore very fast compared to other methods and still has the required accuracy. It is shown with an exemplary ultrasonic transducer that the simulated sound propagation calculated based on the Rayleigh Integral only is valid within an opening angle of ϑ=±50°. This difference results from the assumption that the ultrasonic transducer is located in an infinitely rigid baffle, whereas in the model with the KHI the surrounding rigid baffle is implemented with a fixed size. Therefore, it can be deduced that the simulation with the Rayleigh Integral indicates the physical properties from the ultrasonic transducers only for a small area. A comparison between the created model with the KHI and a model based on a commercial program shows good agreement, so that the two numerical solutions differ merely by ±2,5%. The zero crossings are an exception in which the deviation is larger. The developed program is more efficient, because a substantially larger number of nodes can be used for the simulation and thereby a higher accuracy is achieved or the simulation of higher frequencies is possible. In addition, the computing time for this test case is 5 to 10 times shorter. The results of sound field simulation of an array show good agreement within an opening angle up to ϑ=±84°.
The validations with the measurement results reveal that the models created represent the sound propagation well. However, it is important to determine the geometrical and physical boundary conditions accurately, because these influence the sound propagation significantly. Furthermore, when using this model, one has to ensure that the sound pressure level is below 140dB. At higher sound pressure levels, the influence of the nonlinearities is more significant, and, thus, the simulation with the developed model cannot reproduce the physical phenomena correctly. | English |