The prediction of biogenic isoprene emission rates via process-based models need a detailised description of the related physiological processes. A mathematical model of leaf photosynthesis, taking an environmental controlled leaf conductance and CO2-fixation into account, is developed in this work. Initially, a summary of possible characteristics for photosynthesis models is given. In that context, all essential building blocks of photosynthesis models are introduced and a classification is developed. In particular, the theoretical description of gas exchange leads to a generic formulation of a leaf photosynthesis model. This generic model is based on physico-chemical processes. As it is possible, to formulate a photosynthesis model from a biochemical point of view - the CO2-fixation in the Calvin-cycle - a dilemma on predicting the intracellular CO2-pool ci arises. One can predict the photoynthetic assimilation rate on two distinct ways, which not necessarily lead to the same result. The solution of this dilemma lead to a formulation of a process-based photosynthesis model with three subsystems. (1) A leaf conductance model that ist controlled by environmental parameters (light, temperature, air humidity), (2) the source-sink mediated CO2 uptake into the intracellular CO2-pool, and (3) the biochemical CO2-fixation in the Calvin-cycle, located at the chloroplast with an export of triose phosphates into the cytosol. The first subsystem describe the leaf conductance model. To predict the influence of the environmental conditions, a target function G(I, VPD) was developed. This target function calculates a light (I) and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) dependant equilibrium value for the leaf conductance. Starting with a modified model after Kirchbaum et al. (1988), a simpler model with one variable was developed. The comparison of both models lead to no significant advantage of one solution, so the simple one was choosen. Another test concern a minimal and a multiplicative approach for the target function G(I, VPD). The result is, that the minimum approach lead to a closer approximation of the given measured datas. To check the validity and structure integrity of the new photosynthesis model, a skeleton model with only three variables (gs, pi and aps) was implemented. Compared to given measured datas, the skeleton model show a very good approximation of the assimilation rate A and the leaf conductance gs. The intracellular CO2-concentration is in the most cases slightly overestimated. A possible explanation for this behaviour is the fact, that the simple term for the carboxylation rate does not include all characteristics of the real system. Despite of this, the skeleton model is capable to show all specific characteristics of the diurnal pattern of photosynthesis as measured. Thus, the skeleton model is a valid description of the leaf photosynthesis under the given environmental conditions. A surprising small number of parameters, namely three, have to be altered to simulate all five days, considered so far. Additionally, the variation of these parameters can be explained by the environmental conditions at the days where the datas have been measured. The skeleton model was extended by a detailised description of the Calvin-cycle. The modelled intermetiates are RuBP, PGA, triosephosphates, Pi, Ru5P, ATP/ADP and NADPH/NADP. Limitations on the assimilation rate are modelled as in Farquhar et al. (1980). These limitations are mediated by the availability of CO2, RuBP, and the light and temperature dependend activation of Rubisco. This activation rate of Rubisco is additionally modified by the current CO2/O2 rate. The extension also include the phosphate tranlocator as given by Giersch et al. (1990). This enables the model to distinct between chloroplastic and cytosolic triosephophate pools and thus, it is possible to describe the mevalonic acid- and the DOXP-pathway for isoprene formation. | English |