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Stress state at faults: the influence of rock stiffness contrast, stress orientation, and ratio

Ziegler, Moritz O. ; Seithel, Robin ; Niederhuber, Thomas ; Heidbach, Oliver ; Kohl, Thomas ; Müller, Birgit ; Rajabi, Mojtaba ; Reiter, Karsten ; Röckel, Luisa (2024)
Stress state at faults: the influence of rock stiffness contrast, stress orientation, and ratio.
In: Solid Earth, 2024, 15 (8)
doi: 10.26083/tuprints-00028031
Article, Secondary publication, Publisher's Version

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Item Type: Article
Type of entry: Secondary publication
Title: Stress state at faults: the influence of rock stiffness contrast, stress orientation, and ratio
Language: English
Date: 18 September 2024
Place of Publication: Darmstadt
Year of primary publication: 23 August 2024
Place of primary publication: Göttingen
Publisher: Copernicus Publications
Journal or Publication Title: Solid Earth
Volume of the journal: 15
Issue Number: 8
DOI: 10.26083/tuprints-00028031
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Origin: Secondary publication DeepGreen

The contemporary crustal stress state is primarily driven by gravitational volume forces and plate tectonics. However, there are various smaller-scale sources such as geological structures and stiffness contrast that perturb stresses and deviate them from the regional pattern. For example, borehole stress analysis in numerous cases has revealed abrupt rotations of horizontal stress orientation of up to 90° when faults are crossed. Herein, we investigate the rotation of principal stress axes at a fault by means of a 2D generic numerical model. We focus on the near field of the fault and the damage zone with a fault parameterized as a rock stiffness contrast. A substantial influence of the far-field stress field in terms of the differential stress and in terms of the stress ratio RS=S₁/S_3 is shown. Furthermore, the contrast in material properties is the basis for any stress rotation, and in particular the stiffness is demonstrated to have a significant influence. Eventually, the impact of the angle between the fault strike and the orientation of SHmax is demonstrated. Our results show that the stress rotation is negatively correlated with the ratio of principal far-field stresses. A small angle between the far-field stress orientation and the fault facilitates stress rotation. A high contrast in rock stiffness further increases the stress rotation angle. Faults striking perpendicular to the maximum principal stress orientation experience no rotation at all. However, faults oriented parallel to the maximum principal stress orientation experience either no rotation or a 90° rotation, dependent on the ratio of principal stresses and the rock stiffness contrast. A comparison with observations from various boreholes worldwide shows that in general the findings are in agreement, even though the dip angle proves to have an influence on the stress rotation, in particular for shallow-dipping faults.

Status: Publisher's Version
URN: urn:nbn:de:tuda-tuprints-280314
Classification DDC: 500 Science and mathematics > 550 Earth sciences and geology
Divisions: 11 Department of Materials and Earth Sciences > Earth Science > Engineering Geology
Date Deposited: 18 Sep 2024 11:37
Last Modified: 18 Sep 2024 11:37
SWORD Depositor: Deep Green
URI: https://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/id/eprint/28031
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